Open Source Blackjack

BlackJack #opensource. We have collection of more than 1 Million open source products ranging from Enterprise product to small libraries in all platforms. Adrian Grabowski wrote:AFAIK Blackjack uses standard 52 card deck. The rules and setup for the game are explained in the Wiki article in the first post. You are correct, that a 52 card deck is used, but more advanced games allow for more then one deck to be used.

The Python Programming class that I taught in the spring 2009 semester studiedhow to program graphical user interfaces. The final project of the class wasto design an object oriented black jack card game with a graphical userinterface. Described on the following pages is my implementation.

Open Source Html5 Blackjack

Open Source Blackjack

Open Source Poker Software

This class was taught as a lower level CMST elective. Thus it was anintroductory programming class. The text book that we used was: PythonProgramming: An Introduction To Computer Science, by John Zelle. This bookuses graphics programming as a means to introduce object oriented programming.Thus, the book provides an object oriented module called graphics, whichhas facilities for displaying basic graphics primitives such as circles,squares, lines and also has a method to catch mouse click events returning thex,y coordinates of where the mouse was clicked. Based on this module, abasic button class is developed. This graphics module is an objectoriented wrapper around Python’s standard tkinter module. Thegraphics module is in one sense an improvement on tkinter becauseit is object oriented, but much of the functionality of tkinter isremoved, including the main loop that generates function backs based on event,such as mouse clicks and keyboard data entry. Thus, the first order ofbusiness to seriously use this module was to write a class to provide eventdriven method call backs. I wrote this class and used it to teach the basicconcepts of asynchronous event driven programming. The journey from having avery basics graphics module to having an event driven programming framework toa final working black jack game was excellent from a teaching perspective.From talking to the students, I’m quite certain that a number of studentsadvanced tremendously as programmers from this assignment. However, from justa pure programming perspective, the graphics framework that we used was fairlypoor. Starting with a mature graphics framework, such as wxPython, as I did with the Multi-party Chat Client and Server and Graphical Weather Forecast Viewerapplications is a much preferred way to write a graphical application.However, my prime objective here was not to write a black jack application, butto teach object oriented programming, and that most certainly was accomplished.

Open Source Black Duck
